Prince of Peace Welcomes You
Experience a vibrant community of faith rooted in service and celebration of God's love.
Experience a vibrant community of faith rooted in service and celebration of God's love.
Worship & Holy Communion
Sundays at 9:45 AM
You can also find our services on our Video Worship page
Sunday School
is on Sunday mornings
8:30 - 9:30 AM from September through May
Click here for more information on Sunday School and Confirmation Class.
2445 Lake Minsi Drive, Bangor, Pennsylvania 18013, United States
The Rev. Michael J. Scholtes, Pastor poplcbangor@gmail.com +1.610.588.2355
All are welcome at Prince of Peace, an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) congregation, where members seek and serve Christ in all people. Our ever-growing church community includes hundreds of your friends and neighbors from around the Slate Belt, including Bangor, East Bangor, Mount Bethel, and Portland, who live united as on
All are welcome at Prince of Peace, an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) congregation, where members seek and serve Christ in all people. Our ever-growing church community includes hundreds of your friends and neighbors from around the Slate Belt, including Bangor, East Bangor, Mount Bethel, and Portland, who live united as one body in Christ. Empowered by our faith in God and one another, we work together, and pray together, in our beautiful countryside house of worship where our doors and hearts are always open.
Our online giving tool is an easy and secure way to arrange automatic recurring contributions or make a one-time donation. You can opt to support the church's general fund, Joyful Noise collection for World Hunger, or make a memorial gift.
September through May
from 8:30am-9:30am.
For children ages 2-11.
Stay tuned for more information on upcoming confirmation classes.