Brenda Stauffer was the catalyst for the new altar and pulpit paraments that were dedicated for our 50th Anniversary. Brenda brought up the idea of creating quilted paraments at the brainstorming session that was held at Prince of Peace in January of 2021. A suggestion was made that the paraments be green so that they would be able to be used during the season after Pentecost, also known as Ordinary Time. This is the longest season of the church year and represented by the color green. .
Brenda reached out to Kim Jennings to ask if she would be willing to design the artwork for the paraments. Brenda also contacted Pam Hoffman, of Allentown, about sewing the paraments. In the meantime, Karen Karner, Janet Martocci, Alan Manicke, and Kim Jennings worked together across a number of meetings to design the circular anniversary emblem. One of Karen Karner’s sketches was selected by the group to form the basic structure of the design and the committee worked together to create the final version. Brenda and Kim decided to use this anniversary emblem as the design for the pulpit parament.
The four symbols represent:
Chalice & Bread = Communion & Worship
Bible = Word of God & Learning
Butterfly = Growth & New Life
Heart & Hand = Love for Others & Reaching Out to Others
a Cross was placed at the center of the circle
As Kim was working on the design for the altar parament, she chose images of Bible stories that would be read during ordinary time (not stories that would be read during Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, or other special Sundays). Kim tried to select images with interesting silhouette shapes to provide the viewer with enough detail to identify the images, but not so intricate that it would be impossible for Pam to sew. The images were arranged so they overlapped and flowed from one to the next: the Garden of Eden, Noah’s Ark, the Ten Commandments, a Lion & Daniel praying, a “Temple” (not any specific temple), and Jesus Calming the Storm. A design was also created for a green stole for the Pastor, which included the Alpha & Omega symbol at the top and water at the bottom.
The 50th Anniversary Task Force approved the designs for the paraments, Kim drew the designs out to scale and delivered them to Pam. Pam chose the fabrics and used and appliqué technique to create them. Brenda kept communicating with everyone to make sure the new paraments were completed on time for their dedication on January 16, 2022.
Happy Anniversary Prince of Peace!