10:30 AM - Worship followed by a luncheon. Contact the church office to sign up for the luncheon.
7:00 PM - Worship service.
9:45 AM Worship
11:00 AM
Food, crafts, and prizes provided. Bring a basket and please wear appropriate footwear. This is a free event.
Sunday, April 13 (9:45 am): Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion
Tuesday, April 15 (7:00 pm): Taize Music Service (In the grove, weather permitting)
Wednesday, April 16 (7:00 pm): Stations of the Cross Walk
Thursday, April 17 (7:00 pm): Maundy Thursday
Friday, April 18 (7:00 pm): Good Friday
Our annual Easter morning breakfast. Breakfast will be served between services from 7:00 AM until 9:00 PM.
6:00 AM - Great Vigil of Easter worship service
9:45 AM - Resurrection of Our Lord worship service