Throughout 2022, our 50th Anniversary year,
temple talks during worship will highlight historical events and recollections.
This is a temple talk presented by Jackie Horn, wrapping up our 50th anniversary year at Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church. Other Temple Talks throughout the 50th anniversary year (2022) highlight other historical events and recollections.
This is a temple talk written by Martin Yazdzik, describing his experience at Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church.
This is a temple talk presented by Traci Rumsey, describing her experience at Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church.
This is a temple talk presented by Kerri Miller, describing her experience at Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church
This is a temple talk presented by Brooks Baker, describing his experience at Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church
This is a temple talk presented by Chip Harrison, describing his experience at Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church.
This is a temple talk written by Karen & Dave Karner, describing their experience at Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church
This is a speech read by Pastor Scholtes, written by a "surprise" member of the congregation, describing their experience at Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church.
This is a speech given by Betty DeVito, describing the history of Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church.
This is a temple talk written by Mary Hendershot, describing her experience at Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church
This is a speech given by John Martocci, describing the history of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in North Bangor, as well as Prince of Peace
This is a speech given by Jim Jennings, describing the history of Grace Lutheran Church in East Bangor, as well as Prince of Peace.
This is a speech written by Jackie Horn, describing the history of Lutheranism in Johnsonville, PA.